Click timeline to start playing!

Timeline Tantrum is a puzzle-like turn-based combat game, made during the June 2020 Summer Slow Jam hosted by the Portland Indie Game Squad (PIGSquad).

The goal is to win a turn-based battle against a monster. However, the battle has already played out and you lost. What gives!?

Well, using the power of time travel, you can shift to any turn in the battle, change your moves, and see how it plays out. Look carefully at the enemy's attacks and try to ret-con the timeline to victory.

Player actions

Each turn, the three characters (each in a different time period) choose an action in the fight against the evil time crushing interdimensional... blob... thing.

Attack - damage the enemy with your weapon.

Defend - reduce incoming damage based on your armor

Trade - swap weapons or armor with another character, or send a usable item to another character.

Use Item - use an item in your inventory.


Art: Amanda Rivera (@Air.Artist) and Soren Mathison 

Programming: Louis Webb and Bernease Herman

Design: Nekiah McCalop

Music: Brandon Ellis (@cityfires)

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